The Kingdom & Worldview Conference 2023 (Review)

Post-Conference Thought from Pastor Michael Miano:

Each person left the conference with a testimony. Many who attended hadn’t met many other Preterists before, and surely haven’t been in a church filled with Preterists, so the testimonies of encouragement and affirmation were abundant. Our speakers challenged us not only with Biblical details regarding the Kingdom of God and our worldview, but also challenged us to live it out. Lovingly. Nonviolently. Trusting God. Drawing near to God. Dispelling false theologies and eschatologies. I will admit, the Kingdom & Worldview Roundtable, left me feeling as if we have much more maturity needed, and sometimes I feel like we are not focusing on the right things and/or asking the the right questions. I trust our contributions at this conference, be they messages, fellowship, or resources will continue to urge us on to maturity and enable us to be the kings and priests in the Kingdom of God that we are called to be. 

Ward Fenley

Glory of God expressed through our love for others. 

“People look at Preterists as “Information Hounds”…We have to learn to apologize”. 

Matthew 6:2-3

Proverbs 6:16-19 

“Faith in Christ Jesus”

When we love others as much as we love the Lord. That is the glory of God 

We are called to a righteousness that exceeds that of the Pharisees. (See, Matthew 5:20). 

“They will know you are my disciples…” – John 13:35

Daniel Rogers – Disarming Revelation (Pt. 1)

Revelation is “revealing Jesus”.

Jesus as the new Joshua. 

Hebrews 1:3

John 1:18

Matthew 4/Luke 4

Jesus was being persuaded to be like a Zealot. 

  • Temptations
  • Simon Peter – “Get behind me Satan”. 
  • Peter cuts off man’s ear 

Contrast between “Do not suffer as an evildoer” and “Suffer for sharing in Christ’s sufferings”. 

Johnny Ova 

“Seek the Kingdom, like you are looking for your keys”. 

“Miracles take place when we draw close to God”. 

“Behold” Bible verses – ‘Be sure to see it; don’t miss it’ 

Jason D’Ambrosio 

1 Timothy 1:4

We must have an “Urgency for the right reasons”. 

In Christ we are neither powerless and our labor is not pointless. 

As we grow in Christ, “you are eating for two”. 

Daniel Rogers – Disarming Revelation (Pt. 2) 

Revelation is all about the tale of two cities. Old Jerusalem and New Jerusalem. 

“What does victory of the Lamb mean?” 

Colossians 2:15 

Other resources to accompany his presentation:

Tim Martin 


Ward Fenley

Glenn Hill – “Pathway To Peace In The Middle East” 

The time has come for the Church “The truth about eschatology, Preterism is true!”. 

“The Zionist movement is an evil and merciless organization”. 

““Christian America” has fostered the ills of the Israeli state and the persecution of the Palestinian people”. 

Tim Martin 

“Max King never questioned the ‘universal Adam’”. 


Deacon Ed Silsbe 

Kingdom & Worldview Roundtable 

Questions asked: 

What is the Kingdom of God? 

Who are & what does it mean to be “created in the image of God?”

Is their a Spiritual battle? How would you explain it? 

What is sin? Are we affected by it today? How do we overcome it? 

What role does the Holy Spirit play in our lives today? 

Can and should women participate in teaching ministry? 

What Biblical grounds do Christians have to stand upon asserting current day ‘covenant benefits’? 

Does Covenant Creation still work if the 2nd coming in 70AD in only talking about a spiritual kingdom? 

What is meant in Matthew 15:26-28? Who are the children? Who are the dogs? 

What about atonement, propitiation, and the Law? 

Does FP have the capability to make our Gospel preaching more reasonable as we engage the world around us? 

Pastor Michael Miano 

(Sermons starts at  1:11:53)

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