Studying Through The Final Decade Before The End (Book)

We have been studying through Ed Steven’s book, The Final Decade Before The End, for a couple months now at The Blue Point Bible Church (we currently find ourselves around the A.D. 63 mark in history). We have learned about and talked through the development of the Biblical canon, the missionary activity of the Apostles, the historical context of John’s Revelation to the 7 churches of Asia Minor, and so much more. This blog will serve as a sort of update for our Bible study group, but I also imagine it will stimulate interest from others as well. 

I had written a blog review of The Final Decade Before The End back in 2015. You can read that review at the following link,

As I mentioned above, a few weeks ago we read and studied through the historical context of the Book of Revelation. In that study I had mentioned two resources, one (1) being a sermon I had preached regarding ‘The Apocalyptic Details of Revelation chapters 11-12’, and the other (2) a commentary on Revelation 11 from Daniel Morais at Revelation Revolution. You will find both of those resource links below: 

(1) –

(2) –

I read through the Spring 2020 edition of Fulfilled! Magazine and was delighted to see a summary from Ed Stevens regarding his book. I took pictures of the chart outline regarding the final decade that he offered. You can view those here. 

Also, I emailed Ed Stevens to request some of the PDF’s he mentioned in the book regarding Ephesians (and he included some regarding Hebrews), which you can find attached to those post below. 

Lastly, we assign homework every week as we leave our Saturday Morning Bible Study. This week’s homework was to read pages 113-116 of The Final Decade Before The End, and also read in their entirety in one sitting, at least two of the following prison epistles – Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, and/or Philippians. I imagine the last part of the homework will be a fruitful exercise for anyone, regardless to whether they are reading through Ed Stevens book or not. 

Ed Steven’s has a podcast that goes through a lot of the historical details mentioned in the aforementioned book, visit the following link to listen to those podcasts,

And of course, get your copy of The Final Decade Before The End at the following link,

Pastor Michael Miano
The Blue Point Bible Church 

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